• Faculty
  • Daniel Marcus
  • Daniel Marcus

    ProfessorCommunication and Media Studies

    丹尼尔·马库斯是华盛顿大学传播与媒体研究中心的教授 Art and Media at Goucher College. He teaches courses in media and politics, television 研究,纪录片和视频,以及视频制作和 screenwriting. 他获得该大学媒体与文化研究博士学位 他曾在另类媒体制作部门工作过 as Paper Tiger Television and Deep Dish TV. He has also taught as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. Marcus’s research is currently focused 媒体对政治和经济的报道,以及纪录片和视频行动主义. 他曾担任传播与媒体研究和大学课程的主席 Committee. 他还曾担任国家纪录片咨询小组成员 Peabody Awards.

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    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    我目前正在写一本关于美国媒体如何报道政治的书 以及经济不平等时代的经济问题,看看非小说资料, political speech, and popular culture.

    I co-edited Contemporary Documentary,这本选集调查了美国纪录片和录像的重要发展 recent decades. The book was described as "Essential" to the field by the American Library Association.

    In Happy Days and Wonder Years,我研究了20世纪70年代到90年代的文化和政治怀旧情绪 流行文化中所描绘的美国过去是如何影响政治运动的 and debates.  



    ed., with Selmin Kara, Contemporary Documentary. London and New York: Routledge, 2016.

    《快乐的日子和奇妙的岁月:当代文化中的五六十年代 Politics. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2004.

    ed., ROAR! The Paper Tiger Television Guide to Media Activism. 纽约和哥伦布:纸老虎电视台和韦克斯纳艺术中心, 1991.

    Recent Contributions to Books and Journals

    “称它为动物园对动物是不友善的”:有线电视是如何进入迈阿密的, in Annie Sullivan and Lauren Herold, eds., Local TV: Histories, Communities, and Aesthetics. Athens: University of Georgia Press, forthcoming

    Oliver Vodeb合著的《云顶集团》 in Oliver Vodeb, ed., Radical Intimacies. Bristol: Intellect Books, forthcoming

    山姆·伯奇、丽莎·盖伊、克里斯蒂·李·霍斯伍德和奥利弗·沃德布,《走向火场: 媒体行动主义中的跨文化合作”,作者:Christopher Robe和Stephen Charbonneau, eds.,  InsUrgent Media from the Front: A Global Media Activism Reader. Bloomington:  Indiana University Press, 2020

    “主要方法:非虚构”,迈克尔·卡曼和玛丽·塞莱斯特·科尔尼编., The Craft of Criticism: Critical Media Studies in Practice. New York: Routledge, 2018.

    纪录片处理和文化等级:2008年美国金融危机 Documentaries,” in Constantin Parvulescu, ed., Global Finance on Screen: from Wall Street to Side Street. London: Routledge, 2018.

    “纪录片和视频行动主义”,丹尼尔·马库斯和塞尔明·卡拉主编., Contemporary Documentary. London and New York: Routledge, 2016.

    《云顶集团》, Nikola Janovic, and Rok Klememncic, eds., Indebted to Intervene: Critical issues in debt, communication and art. Ljubljana and Brisbane: Memefest and Queensland College of Art, 2014.

    《云顶集团》,劳里·奥莱特编., A Companion to Reality Television. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.

    The Wonder Years: Nostalgia,” in Jason Mittell and Ethan Thompson, eds., How to Watch Television. New York: New York University Press, 2013.

    “Review Essay: The Critique of Conservative Media,” Cinema Journal 51:4, Summer 2012.

    External Awards, Honors, Grants

    富布赖特·格兰特,斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那大学,2006-07年,教授纪录片 video production. 

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    Recent Conference Presentations and Participation

    Tiger King:“自我呈现时代的叙事主导地位”,《云顶集团》 for Cinema and Media Studies, 2022

    “Shark Tank:《云顶集团》,美国文化研究协会 年度会议,杜兰大学,新奥尔良,洛杉矶,2019(也是小组主席)

    "Mark Cuban as Political Celebrity," Fan Studies Network N.A. Conference, Chicago, IL, 2018.

    "Raymond Williams' Marxism and Literature,“经典文本研讨会”,电影与媒体学会年会 Studies, Toronto, CA, 2018.

    无线电保存专责小组会议无线电教学工作坊特邀嘉宾 Library of Congress, Washington, DC, 2017.

    “2008年的崩溃,纪录片和当代文化等级”,年度会议 of the Cultural Studies Association, Washington, DC, 2017.

    “称它为‘动物园’对动物是不友善的”:有线电视是如何进入迈阿密的, 电影与媒体研究学会年会,芝加哥,伊利诺斯州,2017 Chair of panel).

    Grizzly Man: 物种中的表演自我,《云顶集团》 on Documentary Film and Media, Bozeman, MT, 2016.

    “近期金融电影中的过度与获取”,《云顶集团》 Cinema and Media Studies, Atlanta, GA, 2016.

    特邀嘉宾及回答者,无线电教学工作坊,无线电保存 Task Force Conference, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, 2016.

    共同领导和参与者,土著权利和交流运动讲习班, Memefest/斯威本理工学院,墨尔本,澳大利亚,2014.

    “当代政治对话中的电视与媒体”,《云顶集团》 在我们的时代研讨会,Memefest/斯威本理工学院,墨尔本,澳大利亚, 2014.

    “Political Television and Perceptions of American Politics,” The FLOW Conference, University of Texas, 2014.

    “非小说媒体的批评”,“批评的技巧”会议,巴黎圣母院 University, 2014.

    《云顶集团》,年度 电影与媒体研究学会会议,西雅图,WA, 2014.

    协会年会“文献、数据和传染性档案”联席主席 for Cinema and Media Studies, Seattle, WA, 2014.

    “如何使用审美判断而不成为评判,也许,” FLOW Conference, University of Texas, 2012.

    “从参与式视频到电视真人秀”,协会年度会议 for Cinema and Media Studies, Boston, MA, 2012.

    “大学生电视论文”公开研讨会及小组讨论,年度会议参与者 of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Boston, MA, 2012.

    Invited Talks

    "Tactics: Talking Television in a Pandemic," Aca-Media podcast, December 6, 2020.

    “2020年选举:我们面前的旋风”,为Phi Beta Kappa的公共网络研讨会 Society of Greater Baltimore, Spetember 24, 2020.

    “Those Were the Days: Nostalgia in American History,” BackStory podcast, January 3, 2020

    Academic or Professional Associations

    Radio History Preservation Task Force, Library of Congress

    Society for Cinema and Media Studies

    Other Professional or Scholarly Activity

    我帮助挑选有资格获得皮博迪奖的电视纪录片 excellence. 我也是Memefest: International编辑小组的成员 Festival of Radical Communication.

    I was  Co-Coordinating Editor of 丝绒光阱:电影、电视与新媒体评论杂志 1997-99, and later a member of its Editorial Advisory Board. I have been a peer reviewer and reader for 《云顶集团》、《云顶集团》、《云顶集团》 《云顶集团》,大众传播,布莱克威尔出版社,牛津大学 Press, and other publishers.