• 教师
  • 罗德尼约)
  • 罗德尼约)

    副教授物理 and Engineering Science

    罗德尼约) is 副教授 of 物理 at 云顶集团 College in Baltimore, Maryland. He completed a doctorate in experimental particle accelerator physics at Yale University in 2000, where he built and operated a new type of electron accelerator as his dissertation project, and was a postdoctoral researcher at UCLA.  He has been a faculty member at liberal-arts colleges since 2004, and came to 云顶集团 in 2012, where he teaches across the physics curriculum.  He is dedicated to promoting active and hands-on learning, and is particularly committed to developing creative and effective student laboratories. 

    Dr. 约’s research focuses on experimental methods for creating, controlling, and using charged-particle beams, especially on novel methods for particle acceleration.   His past work includes contributions to several laser- and plasma-based accelerator prototypes, including a multi-year collaboration with UCLA that successfully demonstrated a laser-powered microacceleration structure only a few millimeters in size.  他目前的 project is an experimental exploration of electron acceleration using arrays of pyroelectric 晶体.

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    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    My current research project investigates the properties and possible applications of an unusual class of materials—pyroelectric 晶体—which have potential as microscale electron emitters, small accelerators, and self-contained x-ray tubes.


    B. 约,Z. 卡比洛娃*,B. Saeks*, “Electron Beam Generation and Injection from a Pyroelectric Crystal Array,” Proceedings of the 2016 International Particle Accelerator Conference,论文TUPMY026,页. 1604 - 1606 (accelconf.网络.欧洲核子研究中心.ch/AccelConf/ipac2016/papers/tupmy026.pdf).

    B. 约,G. Travish J. McNeur E. B. 索泽K. S. Hazra B. 马修斯,R. J. 英格兰, Z. 吴,E. A. 佩拉尔塔和K. Soong, “First Acceleration in a Resonant Optical-Scale Laser-Powered Structure,” Proceedings of the 2015 International Particle Accelerator Conference,论文WEPWA053,页. 2624 - 2626 (accelconf.网络.欧洲核子研究中心.ch/AccelConf/ipac2015/papers/wepwa053.pdf).

    J. 英格兰等国. (30 authors), “Dielectric laser accelerators,” Reviews of Modern 物理 86, 1337–1389 (2014).

    C. 汤普森,H. Badakov,. M. 做饭,我. B. Rosenzweig R. Tikhoplav G. Travish,我. Blumenfeld, M. J. 霍根,R. Ischebeck N. 科比,R. Siemann D. Walz P. 马格利,. 斯科特和R. B. 约, “Breakdown Limits on Gigavolt-per-Meter Electron-Beam-Driven Wakefields in Dielectric Structures,” Physical Review Letters 100, 214801 (2008).

    B. 约和J. B. Rosenzweig, “Side-Coupled Slab-Symmetric Structure for High-Gradient Acceleration using Terahertz Power,” Physical Review ST Accelerators & 光线 8, 111301 (2005).

    External Awards, Honors, Grants

    作为研究员,U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency grant HDTRA1-09-1-0043, “Investigation of Micro-Scale Laser-Powered Dielectric Particle-Accelerators with Potential Application in the Long Range Sensing of Fissile Materials” (collaboration led by UCLA), total 数量1美元.4M, 2009-2014.

    会议论文 & 小组参与

    B. 约, “An Arduino-Based Alternative to the Traditional Electronics Laboratory,” presented at the 2015 Conference on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the First Year, College Park, MD and published in peer-reviewed online proceedings http: / / advlabs.aapt.org/BFY/Proceedings/2015/.

    Travish K. S. Hazra B. 马修斯J. McNeur E. B. 苏泽和R. B. 约”,制造 of optical scale dielectric laser accelerators: Challenges, tolerances and other scary tales from the foundry,” presented at the 2014 Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, San Jose, CA (AIP Conf. Proc.,卷. 1777, p. 060012).

    McNeur E. B. 索泽G. Travish K. S. Hazra B. 马修斯,R. B. 约,R. J. 英格兰, Z. 吴,E. A. 佩拉尔塔和K. Soong, “Experimental results from the micro-accelerator platform, a resonant slab-symmetric dielectric laser accelerator,” presented at the 2014 Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, San Jose, CA (AIP Conf. Proc.,卷. 1777, p. 060014).

    Academic or Professional Associations

    American Physical Society

    American Association of 物理 Teachers

    Advanced Laboratory 物理 Association

    Phi Beta Kappa

    Other Professional or Scholarly Activity

    专利持有人:G. Travish R. B. 约和J. B. Rosenzweig, co-inventors, “Apparatus for Producing X-Rays for Use in Imaging,” U.S. patent US8755493 B2 (2014); European patent EP2465331 B1 (2016).

    Occasional reviewer for grant proposals (U.S. 部门. 的能量).
